Friday, October 23, 2009

then again....

I am kind of sorry I said this was the "unofficial" side, because sometimes things get interesting and I want to talk about that BUT......

Sarah and I both got chikungunya. For me, it was a second time, for Sarah the first. We had to cancel one day of class. It is the whole thing all over again. Joint pain, fever, full body rash. Now I hear that it takes up to a year to clear out of your system, and that you can get it multiple times. It is kind of a joke around Thap Lamu now, with our students and with us, but it really isn't funny because it really slows you down. The fortunate thing is that you don't worry too much about any body else catching it, because technically they will get it from a mosquito and not from you. HOWEVER, if they are around you when you have it, and the mosquito first bites you and then them, they stand a real good chance of getting it. TTL, we are pretty much over it now, Sarah still has swollen feet. My feet hurt off and on, but I was able to jog yesterday.
As far as I know, we will all go to BKK on Sunday, she will fly out on Monday morning, and we will fly back here. We have been sooo busy with classes, but has been a lot of fun, in spite of chikungunya.......

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