Monday, November 25, 2013

Where have I been all this time? 27 Nov 2013

I don't know if I can keep up with this thing or not, but it would sure be nice to be able to "share" some info without having to write to ya'll individually, and without having to FB, and with more detail than our bi-monthly letter. Pray for me.

A few weeks ago, our bunch from the Patong group of believers came to us on Sunday, rather than us going to them. They brought treats for kids, and I walked down the street and invited a few of the Burmese kids to come. Some people looked tentative, so I told them, "Mom can come too!" and we ended up with at least six moms, and fifteen or twenty kids. Katy told them about Jesus, taught them some scripture, and some songs in Burmese. The ladies were as good participating as any of the kids. It was a blessing. When they were finished with the lesson and services, they passed out treats and donated clothing from friends and some friend/shopkeepers around where they work.

It was a good day and good to see the adult ladies participating and enthusiastic.

I tell all this to tell about now.  Gospel and Bidya (Burmese) are now co-workers in our village. We have prayed for someone to come and help us for seven years. They feel they are called here. Pray for us for funds to be able to keep this up, because so far it is a blessing.

We are now having a Sunday worship here at our house at 9 am. Then we (Mike and Jody) go to Patong to meet with our people there, of whom really only Julie's family, and Katy and now Nunu are coming.

They  talked to the lady across the street. Kids had told me she was a Christian. She is but in name only. She was really enthusiastic to have them here.

We started teaching kids today. These are kids that cannot afford the "school" that a Buddhist foundation is providing for the Burmese kids. Between the school fee and the bus to get them there, it costs about $200 per kid per year. A few of them couldn't go even if they had the money, because they (most of the time) have to look after little brothers or sisters. Three hours a  day. Burmese, Thai, and English.

Sixteen kids came. This is without advertising, just word of mouth. I don't know if we could handle more, the room was full. Gospel took the little brothers and sisters (not included in the sixteen--these are too young to study) and tried to play with them outside, but we don't know how this will work out. They are difficult to manage and the only one who really looks after them is the big sister that was in the room trying to study!

Also came was one adult (young woman). She talked to Bidya. She is "interested in Jesus" and wants to come to our church service Sunday morning in our village. But she cannot speak any English. This therefore promptly dumped the Sunday morning preaching (like it or not) onto Mr. Gospel. He perhaps cannot translate well yet, but he can give his testimony and preach, and at least tell us(Mike and Jody) what verses he is going to in English. So woo hoo in just a short time the Lord is moving.

They also talked to Soapy Mou's gramma. She told them that grampa is a Baptist (had told us a Catholic, but she is Buddhist and doesn't know one from another) I don't think it is deception, I really get the impression she knows nothing. anyways, Grampa wants to have a Christmas something (they say he usually does) and we may be able to use that as an outreach. It will depend on when he wants to do it, we suggested the 22nd, the Sunday before Christmas--since Christmas day we already have an even planned with the group in Patong as an outreach to their friends. If Soapy Mou's grampa IS
a Christian, he is a back-slidden, hard-drinking one. But other than that he is a nice man.

So if you read all this again in a PL at a later date, don't blame me. I just wanted to put this info out there, to get some prayers for these situations! And pray for Bidya, she is about five months pregnant with her first child. Don't know that maybe she hasn't been taking care of herself.  Bye for now. It is hot here.