Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Cat Day

Well, if you could see Little and OK today, they are doing obeisance to Dagon the fish god (just joking!). I thought you'd enjoy hearing about this.

After yesterday, praying for fish for the cats, or "catfish" as I like to call it, Mae Gae came by this morning (her purpose is another story, remind me to tell you later). Anyways as she was leaving, I mentioned that I wanted to buy some fish for the cats if anybody was selling it (this is the way we don't have to pay high fish prices. Someone walking down the road with a bag of fish probably wants to sell it. You just have to know who to ask.) I knew that trucks had been bustling about the village since sometime yesterday, and I knew the wind was calmer, so there was no doubt some fishing was getting done. So I relied on Mae Gae to put the word in a few ears that somebody wanted to buy some fish. Shortly after that, two B. girls came to my kitchen door. Guess what they had? TWO BAGS of fish. One bag, probably a kilo of squid and a couple small other fishes, the other bag had FOUR trevally (sp?) another one I don't know what, and a small "Eastern small tuna." Talk about hitting the jackpot. I would have been happy today with ONE FISH. So I spent awhile cleaning and getting fishes into the freezer. (Of course, I couldn't get away without boiling a squid and a trevally and de-boning the t. for the cats, and boy were they excited. Little has basically been rolling around (too fat to walk today) all afternoon. And OK no longer looks like the half-dead worn out guy that he looked like last week. He is a Happy Cat. TTL. Shortly thereafter, the neighbor's siamese cat made his morning visit, but that is a story for another time. Remind me to tell you that one later too.

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