Friday, November 6, 2009

what next.....?

well, next thing we knew we had a kitten. Some neighbors must have thought we were animal lovers or something, and dropped him off. I ignored him for awhile and then couldn't stand it any more. I tried to feed him. By the way, he was almost totally black. Tiny bit of white on his face. Cried like a banshee(sp?). Anyways, he would not eat. Only cry. And followed me around. I finally said, maybe we should take him to the temple! That is what everybody else does! I even thought of paying Khiow to do the dirty work and drop him off. But then she says that you have to sneak and do this. You just don't go in and drop the animal off. It has to be sneaky. Apparently, though everyone does it, you aren't supposed to do it. So what to do. Then, my student/friend Jeep shows up, to bring me a little gift. She loves to bring me little gifts. She is just a gift giving person. And I am told she is rich, so I guess she can afford to. I tell her to stop, but she will say, "when I saw it I thought of you." So...Jeep came by with something, and I told her I had a problem (by the way, she loves cats). I told her about the kitty, and she said what do you want to do??? I said, to tell you the truth, I was thinking of taking him to the temple!! So she wanted to see him, and she picked him up, and petted him (it was all over now, you know) and said all he needed was worm medicine, and to be dropped off at a small hotel/boarding room type place where foreigners would take good care.
And she offered to do this! amen, PTL. So Jeep rode off on her motorcycle with this little kitten. First she put him in a plastic bag, but he was not enthusiastic (we can all imagine!) and I brought out my plastic travelling basket that we used to use for the cats before we got a real pet carrier. and off the little fellow went on his new adventure!
But what! She drove back up in less than half an hour. AGHGHGHHH I thought. But she was just returning the basket. Said she had already fed him the worm medicine and found a place for him and everything....oh, how wonderful to have contacts..
ps....Jeep came by with bananas yesterday....kitty had a little trouble, so she gave him another worm med dose, and I had some antibiotic that I had just mixed up for Little (another story) and I gave her again... hopefully he is better as we speak....

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